So, all the dicking around I've been doing here for the last six weeks has been fun. But even though Sandra Bullock totally won an Oscar and seems to be a strong contender for her husband's love (although not a front-runner; she doesn't have enough tattoos), if I want to be knowledgeable for the upcoming football season TMZ just isn't going to prepare me. So I spent a couple of hours going through the news on nfl.com and I learned a few things, but I have ultimately decided that this blog can only really handle one news item at a time. On the other hand, maybe I'll post a little more often for the next few days. Top news story:
It's free agent season!
Okay, so every week, somebody gets voted off of Project Runway, right? And then at the beginning of the next episode, whoever won the challenge gets to pick if they want to kick the loser's model off the show, or if they want to exacerbate their own model's eating disorder by picking someone else to wear their clothes. This is so heart-wrenching that it has actually inspired a spin-off reality series about the models, which I don't watch because I can't take anyone seriously if they consider walking to be a skill. Anyway, free agent season is like the NFL's model roulette, except that the models—I mean, football players—actually have some say in their own fate. During free agent season, any football player who has completed a stipulated number of seasons with their current team is eligible to receive offers from other teams to see if they can make more money. There's a whole equation for how much they're supposed to make compared to what they made last year and what other guys who play their position are also making, but I'm not about to pile math onto everything else here. The important thing is, this is the time when football players change teams, usually.

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