Saturday, April 10, 2010

Please tell the abyss to stop staring at me.

All right. It's been a while since I posted and there's really no excuse for that. I mean, it's been a rough week, filled with rent emergencies and sinus infections, I'm not going to lie, some mistakes were made, and some of those mistakes were mine. But none of those things were legitimate reasons for not continuing work on this retarded made-up project that delivers no consequences either way whether I pay attention to it or not.

I think I still have the remnants of a fever and it's difficult for me to make sense just now, so I'm not going to try too hard. But from here on out, there will be more WtB entries about the actual, real-live world of football that's happening right now, so I'm going to have to like, read the news and stuff. I may post a bit less often, although I hope not, because if anyone's going to care about this thing it ought to be me.

That said, I need more Vitamin C and I think it's time for bed.

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