Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I guess this is sort of news. Mini-Post 2

Ho (and I do mean ho). Lee. Crap.

We all have one month to perfect our spray-on tans and even out our boob jobs. April 24th will be tryout day for new Dolphins cheerleaders!!

So if you're skinny, double-jointed, and like to yell, and you're going to be in Southern Florida for the next year, you could do what I would do and kill yourself, or you could audition to be on the cheer squad for the Miami Dolphins, and be appreciated as the artist you truly are.

After wracking my brain to write an essay about this, I realized that I can't come up with anything funnier than the “How to Prepare” page they have provided themselves for potential applicants, so here's the link. Enjoy.

(PS - The girl in the picture says her name is Andrea and I used this photo without her permission, so if she or anyone who claims to know her contacts me and angrily asks me to remove it, I will.)

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